Note: Standard Phrases and Response Management can be managed via the Management Portal by those with Administrator access.
Accessing Standard Phrases and Response Management
Accessing Standard Phrases and Response Management
- Select the Data Captures Tab to view the list of data captures.
- Select the "three dots icon" to reveal the options list on the data capture.
- Select Edit Responses.
- Here you can view the responses for each section of the data capture.
Adding a Response
- Select Add.
- In the Design View, you will be asked to include a Category (1) Title (2) and Text description (3) for the response.
Note: There are different formats that can be used for the response selection on the iOS device. Each format is explained in the next section of this article. For this example, the user will be given the option to select either 'Hairline' or 'Prominent' from a list when using this response.
Web Portal Design View:
iOS View:
- Create a new response and select Save.
- The new response has now been added.

Example Responses and Syntax
- In the Text field there are three different response format options you can choose from. The format will determine how the response will appear on the iOS App.
1. User inputs own text
To allow users to input their own text, use the following format to prompt the user:
(Please note "prompt" is just an example, you can use any word or phrase to remind the user to insert a response. eg "insert text here")
Web Portal Design View:
iOS View:
2. Select one option from the list
To allow the user to select ONE of the options from the list (picklist), use the following format.
Web Portal Design View:
iOS View:
3. Select multiple options from the list
To allow the user to select MULTIPLE options from the list (picklist), use the following format:
Web Portal Design View:
iOS View:
Editing a Response
- Select the response you would like to edit.
- Edit the response and select ‘Save’.
- The response has been updated.
Deleting a Response
Caution: Deleted responses cannot be recovered.
- Select the response you would like to delete.
- Select Delete.
- Select Delete to confirm that you want to delete the response.
- The response has now been deleted.
Reordering your Responses
- Select Reorder.
- Select a category on left hand side, to reveal a list of responses within that category.
- Select, drag and drop the responses to reorder them.

- Select Update.
- The responses have now been reordered.
Note: Categories cannot be reordered.
Copying Responses
You have the ability to copy the responses from one data capture over to another. In the example below we will copy the responses from a Level 1 - RICS Home Survey to a Level 2 - RICS Home Survey.
Note: Copying responses to a data capture will add them to any existing responses. To remove all existing responses from a data capture contact
- Select the 3 dots icon on the data capture from which you want to copy responses, and then select Edit Responses.
- Select Copy responses to another data capture.
- From the dropdown list choose the data capture you would like to copy your pre-defined responses to (Select a destination data capture).
- The information on the left displays all the fields from the data capture from which you are copying your pre-defined responses.

- Using the dropdown arrows on the right, map each field by selecting where you would like to copy your pre-defined responses to.
Note: Unmapped responses will NOT be copied to the destination data capture.

- After mapping your responses, select Copy.
- The responses have been copied.
Note: The changes that you make to your phrases within the ‘Standard Phrase and Response Management Tool’ will not appear on your mobile devices automatically, you will need to sync your device to see the changes you’ve made to your phrases.